iX5 Pest Control

Pest control services in Northampton, Daventry, Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough, Towcester, Brackley, Market Harborough and all surrounding areas.

Stay One Step Ahead with Our Pest Calendar

Stay One Step Ahead with Our Pest Calendar - this image shows a calendar with the iX5 pest control logo and a variety of various pests around it

Stay One Step Ahead with Our Pest Calendar

Pests are a year-round challenge, with their activity levels peaking at specific times based on seasons, breeding cycles and weather conditions amongst other factors. With the iX5 Pest Control Calendar, you can stay informed about when pests are active and when they’re at their most problematic. This proactive approach allows you to take preventative measures to protect your home or business.

Here’s an overview of some of our key pests in the UK and their active periods:

Spring (March to May)

Spring awakens many pests as temperatures rise and food sources increase. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Ants: Active March to August, becoming very active in July as colonies grow.
  • Bees: Active March to September, with peak activity April to August during nesting and foraging.
  • Bird Mites: Active March to September, often associated with nesting birds.
  • Cluster Flies: Active March to May, peaking in April, and returning in autumn.
  • Moles: Active year-round but especially busy January to May, creating unsightly molehills.
  • Carpet Beetles: Active April to October, with activity spiking in May.
  • Moths: Year-round activity, with heightened presence May to September.

Spring Tips: Check for cracks, secure food, make sure waste is kept in sealed containers and inspect lofts and outbuildings for nests and insects.

Summer (June to August)

Warm weather invites the highest pest activity of the year.

  • Flies: Active April to September, very active in June and July, drawn to food and waste.
  • May Bugs: Limited to June and July, with peak activity in June during mating season.
  • Wasps and Hornets: Active June to October, with hornets and wasps peaking in August.
  • Carpet Beetles: Still active, though less prevalent than in May.
  • Cockroaches: Active year-round but thrive in warm, moist summer conditions.
  • Bees: Remain highly active during April to August.

Summer Tips: Keep waste bins sealed, clean food spills immediately and consider professional nest removal for wasps, hornets or bees near your property.


Stay One Step Ahead with Our Pest Calendar - this claendar shows the various pests we control and their activity levels for each calendar month of any given year

Autumn (September to November)

As cooler weather sets in, pests seek shelter indoors or prepare for hibernation.

  • Cluster Flies: A second surge occurs, with high activity in October.
  • Fleas: Active May to October, with peak infestations in September and October.
  • Squirrels: Year-round activity increases from October to March as they prepare for winter.
  • Carpet Beetles: Another active period in September as they look for overwintering spots.
  • Mice and Rats: Begin their busiest season, November to February, seeking food and warmth indoors.

Autumn Tips: Inspect your loft for rodents, declutter basements and seal gaps in walls or windows.

Winter (December to February)

Winter doesn’t mean a break from pests. Some are more problematic than ever indoors:

  • Rodents (Mice and Rats): Their activity spikes from November to February, causing potential damage and health risks.
  • Cockroaches: Thrive in warm, damp indoor spaces.
  • Silverfish: Active year-round, particularly in dark, damp areas like bathrooms.
  • Birds: Active throughout the year, with bird proofing essential to prevent nests in roofs or gutters.

Winter Tips: Regularly inspect and clean storage areas, secure food supplies and install bird-proofing solutions.

Pests Active All Year Round

Some pests remain active no matter the season. Knowing their habits can help you spot signs of infestations early:

  • Bed Bugs: Active all year, spreading through travel or second-hand furniture.
  • Cockroaches: Persistent in warm, humid environments.
  • Moths: Particularly problematic in wardrobes and storage areas.
  • Stored Product Insects (SPIs): Found in dry goods, cereals and pet food.
  • Silverfish: Preferring dark, damp conditions like bathrooms and basements.

Bird Proofing: Why It’s Important Year-Round

Birds such as pigeons and gulls are active all year, with nesting and feeding most intense from April to August. Bird-proofing measures, such as netting, repellent gels and spikes can help prevent the spread of bird mites and keep roofs, gutters and solar panels clean and damage-free.

Protect Your Space with iX5 Pest Control

Whether you’re tackling an active infestation or looking to prevent one, our experienced team at iX5 Pest Control is here to help. Download our Pest Calendar today for a detailed month-by-month guide and take the first step in safeguarding your home or business.

Stay one step ahead with iX5 Pest Control – your partners in pest prevention. Contact us via our short form here, email [email protected] or give us a call on 01604 328545 

Stay One Step Ahead with Our Pest Calendar

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