Rat Infestation in a Northamptonshire Food Business

Rat Infestation in a Northamptonshire Food Business this image shows rat tracks highlighted with the use of UV gel visible under a UV light

Rat Infestation in a Northamptonshire Food Business

Client: A food business located in Northamptonshire, UK
Issue: Rat activity in food preparation and storage areas
Property: A very old building, extensively converted.
Outcome: Rat entry points identified, proofing work completed and no further activity detected.


A food business in Northamptonshire contacted iX5 Pest Control after experiencing rat activity within their food preparation and storage areas. The business had already been visited by an Environmental Health Officer (EHO), who expressed concerns and advised the company to seek professional pest control assistance. Given the nature of the business, it was important to address the issue promptly to avoid any risk to food safety and to maintain compliance with hygiene regulations.

The building itself posed unique challenges. It was an extremely old structure that had undergone numerous conversions over the years. The premises connected to other buildings and the adaptations had left numerous gaps and holes, providing easy entry points for pests. The building made it difficult to determine exactly where the rats were gaining access.

Initial Inspection and Actions

Upon arrival, iX5 Pest Control carried out a thorough inspection of the site. While there were some clear signs of potential entry points, the complexity of the structure meant it was not immediately obvious where the rats were entering. To gather more information, we deployed traps in key areas and used a UV gel to track rat movement.

The UV gel we used is a non-toxic, non-allergenic, harmless gel that fluoresces under UV light. While some disturbances are visible to the naked eye, under UV light, the gel highlights exact rat movement, indicating where they have travelled, their entry points and areas of interest. This method provides valuable insights into rat behaviour and their routes within the building.


Results and Findings

Upon returning the following day, the UV gel provided crucial information. By illuminating the trails left behind by the rats, we identified their precise entry points. Although some potential entry locations were obvious, the UV gel confirmed where the rats had been coming in and moving through the premises.

Proofing Work and Resolution

After identifying the entry points, we undertook proofing work to seal the gaps and holes in the structure, ensuring no further access for the rats. Follow-up inspections confirmed that no further rat activity was present in the building.

Key Learnings

This case study demonstrates that rat infestations are not always linked to poor hygiene. In this instance, the infestation was caused purely by structural issues, allowing rats to gain entry. Rats are opportunistic creatures and will enter any building—clean or dirty—if given the chance.

It is important to note that any signs of pest activity should be addressed immediately. Taking swift action is essential not only for food safety but also for maintaining a positive relationship with Environmental Health Officers. If a business is actively addressing pest issues, it is viewed more favourably and is less likely to face closure.


iX5 Pest Control successfully resolved this rat infestation by identifying entry points and completing essential proofing work. This case highlights the importance of structural maintenance and proactive pest management, particularly for food businesses. If you are experiencing any signs of pest activity, it is vital to act promptly to avoid more serious consequences.

Rat Infestation in a Northamptonshire Food Business

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