iX5 Pest Control

Pest control services in Northampton, Daventry, Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough, Towcester, Brackley, Market Harborough and all surrounding areas.

Pest Control Moles and Squirrels

Pest Control Moles and Squirrels

Pest Control Moles and Squirrels

Moles can cause considerable damage to residential gardens, playing fields, sports grounds, golf fairways and greens, farm crops as well as paddocks and grazing land. They dig constantly and they can tunnel up to 18 feet per hour. This excessive tunnelling can cause irreparable damage to turf, plants and crops. The ground can become unstable and holes might appear causing a safety hazard.

Moles have large front paws which they use to scrape away earth. You will rarely see moles above ground, they have very poor eyesight, but they can distinguish between light and dark, their hearing, sense of smell and touch all more than make up for weak eyesight. Moles are insectivores and the majority of their diet is made up of earth worms, which is why they might be attracted to making a warren of tunnels under your lawn!

How to Spot a Mole Infestation

Most of us will be familiar with the mound of earth moles expel as they dig, molehills can appear over night and are a sure-fire sign of a mole infestation. Other signs include stunted or withered plants, crops or turf, this might be due to the tunnels created by moles. Moles do not, as some believe, eat plant roots, but their tunnels do form gaps beneath the surface, so roots lack the soil required to grow.

Pest Control Moles

There are two mole pest control methods that can be used: tunnel trapping and fumigation. Deciding which method to use will depend on various factors such as the location, the extent of activity, and any sensitive receptors or non-target species.

We offer mole pest control services throughout Northampton, Daventry, Rugby, Market Harborough, Towcester, Brackley, Wellingborough, Kettering, Corby, Olney and all of the surrounding areas. Our team of pest control specialists are available both evenings and weekends at no extra cost. Call us on 01604 328545, email [email protected] or use our simple contact form.


There are two types of squirrel in the UK the native red squirrel which is a protected species and the grey squirrel. The grey Squirrel is not native to the UK, it was introduced from America late in the 19th and early 20th century and is classed as vermin. Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement and Permitting) Order 2019 it is illegal to release a grey squirrel if it has been caught.

Grey squirrels build nests called a drey and will usually have more than one drey. Grey squirrels do not hibernate, instead they will build a larger, thicker drey, either on thick branches in trees or in building roof spaces.

How to Spot a Squirrel Infestation

In homes and business, squirrels can be a serious cause for concern as they use the materials at hand to build their nest, this includes loft insulation. When a grey squirrel takes up residence in your roof space they can also cause significant damage by gnawing on woodwork and ceilings, they are known to strip electrical wiring causing a fire risk and are likely to contaminate a roof stored water supply with urine, faeces or by drowning in open tanks. Squirrels are active 4 or 5 hours before dawn and can be very noisy, you will definitely know if you have squirrels in your attic! If you suspect squirrels have nested in your attic do not be tempted to block access, they can often cause much more damage by trying to get back into their drey.

Externally, they can be just as destructive, digging holes in lawns to bury seeds and nuts, stripping trees of bark at the base causing them to weaken and die (According to the ESI grey squirrels cause £40 million damage to British forestry industry per year), destroying plants and bulbs. They also raid bird nests and eat eggs and chicks.

Squirrel Pest Control

At iX5 Pest Control we have the expertise, experience and equipment to eradicate any squirrel infestation. We will conduct a thorough survey and detail our recommended solutions, including advising on preventative measures. We use a range of control strategies depending on various factors such as the location, the extent of activity, and any sensitive receptors or non-target species.

We offer squirrel pest control services for domestic premises and businesses in Northampton, Daventry, Rugby, Market Harborough, Towcester, Brackley, Wellingborough, Kettering, Corby, Olney and all of the surrounding areas. Our team of pest control specialists are available both evenings and weekends at no extra cost. Should you require squirrel pest control then call us on 01604 328545, email [email protected] or use our simple contact form.

iX5 Pest Control

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